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Deque (Doubly Ended Queue)


A double-ended queue (abbreviated to deque) is an abstract data type that generalizes a queue, for which elements can be added to or removed from either the front (head) or back (tail).

Operations & Complexities

Deque<Integer> deque = new ArrayDeque<>();


Implementation of Deque

Using Circular Array

public class CircularArrayDeque {    private int head; // the first node in deque, not the first item in array    private int tail; // the last node in deque, not the first item in array    private int[] arr;    private int size;     public CircularArrayDeque(int capacity) {        arr = new int[capacity];        head = 0;        tail = 0;        size = 0;    }     // Add item to the head of the deque    public void addFirst(int value) {        // check if deque is full        if (isFull()) {            return;        }         head = head - 1;        if (head < 0) {            head = arr.length - 1;        }        arr[head] = value;        size += 1;    }     // Remove the first item from the deque and return its value    public int removeFirst() throws Exception {        if (isEmpty()) {            throw new Exception("Circular Array Deque is empty when dequeue!");        }        int value = arr[head];        head = (head + 1) % arr.length;        size -= 1;        return value;    }     // Get the first item    public int peekFirst() throws Exception {        if (isEmpty()) {            throw new Exception("Circular Array Deque is empty when peek!");        }        return arr[head];    }     // Add item to the end of the deque    public void addLast(int value) {        // check if deque is full        if (isFull()) {            return;        }        tail = (head + size) % arr.length;        arr[tail] = value;        size += 1;    }     // Remove the last item from the deque and return its value    public int removeLast() throws Exception {        if (isEmpty()) {            throw new Exception("Circular Array Deque is empty when dequeue!");        }         int value = arr[tail];        tail = tail - 1;        if (tail < 0) {            tail = arr.length - 1;        }        size -= 1;        return value;    }     // Get the last item    public int peekLast() throws Exception {        if (isEmpty()) {            throw new Exception("Circular Array Deque is empty when peek!");        }        return arr[tail];    }     // Return whether the queue is full    public boolean isFull() {        return size == arr.length;    }     // Return whether the queue is empty    public boolean isEmpty() {        return size == 0;    }}

Using Linked List

public class ListNode {    public int val;    public ListNode prev;    public ListNode next;    public ListNode(int val) {        this.val = val;        this.prev = null; = null;    }}public class LinkedListDeque {    private ListNode head; // the first node    private ListNode tail; // the last node     public LinkedListDeque() {        head = null;        tail = null;    }     // Add item to the head of the list    public void addFirst(int value) {        if (head == null) {            head = new ListNode(value);            tail = head;        } else {            head.prev = new ListNode(value);   = head;            head = head.prev;        }    }     // Remove the head from the list and return its value    public int removeFirst() throws Exception {        if (head == null) {            throw new Exception();        }        int value = head.val;        head =;        if (head != null) {            head.prev = null;        } else {            tail = null;        }        return value;    }     // Get the value of the head    public int peekFirst() throws Exception {        if (head == null) {            throw new Exception();        }        return head.val;    }     // Add item to the tail of the list    public void addLast(int value) {        if (tail == null) {            tail = new ListNode(value);            head = tail;        } else {   = new ListNode(value);   = tail;            tail =;        }    }     // Remove the tail from the list and return its value    public int removeLast() throws Exception {        if (tail == null) {            throw new Exception();        }        int value = tail.val;        tail = tail.prev;        if (tail != null) {   = null;        } else {            head = null;        }        return value;    }     // Get the value of the tail    public int peekLast() throws Exception {        if (tail == null) {            throw new Exception();        }        return tail.val;    }     // Return whether the deque is empty    public boolean isEmpty() {        return head == null || tail == null;    }}

ArrayDeque Demo

public class ArrayDequeDemo {  public static void main(String[] args) {    Deque<Integer> deque = new ArrayDeque<>();    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {      int element = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(10, 100);      if (ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextBoolean()) {        deque.offerFirst(element);        System.out.println("deque.offerFirst(" + element + ") --> deque = " + deque);      } else {        deque.offerLast(element);        System.out.println("deque.offerLast(" + element + ")  --> deque = " + deque);      }    }    System.out.println();    System.out.println("deque.isEmpty()   = " + deque.isEmpty());    System.out.println("deque.peekFirst() = " + deque.peekFirst());    System.out.println("deque.peekLast()  = " + deque.peekLast());    System.out.println();    while (!deque.isEmpty()) {      if (ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextBoolean()) {        System.out.println("deque.pollFirst() = " + deque.pollFirst()            + " --> deque = " + deque);      } else {        System.out.println("deque.pollLast()  = " + deque.pollLast()            + " --> deque = " + deque);      }    }    System.out.println();    System.out.println("deque.isEmpty()   = " + deque.isEmpty());    System.out.println("deque.peekFirst() = " + deque.peekFirst());    System.out.println("deque.peekLast()  = " + deque.peekLast());  }}
deque.offerLast(25)  --> deque = [25]
deque.offerFirst(15) --> deque = [15, 25]
deque.offerFirst(26) --> deque = [26, 15, 25]
deque.offerFirst(39) --> deque = [39, 26, 15, 25]
deque.offerLast(25) --> deque = [39, 26, 15, 25, 25]
deque.offerLast(50) --> deque = [39, 26, 15, 25, 25, 50]
deque.offerFirst(95) --> deque = [95, 39, 26, 15, 25, 25, 50]
deque.offerLast(66) --> deque = [95, 39, 26, 15, 25, 25, 50, 66]

deque.isEmpty() = false
deque.peekFirst() = 95
deque.peekLast() = 66

deque.pollFirst() = 95 --> deque = [39, 26, 15, 25, 25, 50, 66]
deque.pollLast() = 66 --> deque = [39, 26, 15, 25, 25, 50]
deque.pollLast() = 50 --> deque = [39, 26, 15, 25, 25]
deque.pollLast() = 25 --> deque = [39, 26, 15, 25]
deque.pollFirst() = 39 --> deque = [26, 15, 25]
deque.pollLast() = 25 --> deque = [26, 15]
deque.pollFirst() = 26 --> deque = [15]
deque.pollLast() = 15 --> deque = []

deque.isEmpty() = true
deque.peekFirst() = null
deque.peekLast() = null